Electronic Assessment Materials for Introductory Statistics Courses

To request a copy of these materials, please complete our request form below. Materials include: list of topics, lists of learning outcomes and vocabulary words for each topic, and the online homework, clicker, and vocabulary question databases. Materials will be sent by email to the address provided below. Most requests will be handled within 24 hours of receipt.

You also have the option to become a project collaborator, which enables you to contribute to the further development of the project materials through a private GitHub repository. Please click here for instructions on how to set up a GitHub account. Directions for using GitHub will be sent by email to the address provided below. Most requests will be handled within 24 hours of receipt.

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Email Address:

Name of Institution:

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Which materials are you interested in using? Choose all that apply:
Learning Outcomes
Vocabulary Words
Online Homework Questions
Clicker Questions
Vocabulary Questions

To become a project collaborator, enter your GitHub username: